Top science magazines

Browse all Top science magazines for latest science, space exploration,  developments in electronics, communications, energy, aviation, environmental issues, and much more.

List of top science magazines

  • Scientific AmericanLeading science magazine was first published in 1845. The Scientific American magazine is the oldest continuously published monthly magazine in United States.
  • Science NewsBi-weekly magazine published by Society for Science & the Public. The magazine based in Washington, D.C.
  • Popular Science (PopSci)Popular Science magazine has won ASME awards in 2003 for general excellence and 2004 for best magazine section.
  • Popular MechanicsAmerican monthly magazine covering automotive, science, and technology. Popular Mechanics magazine is published 12 times a year. The magazine is devoted to scientific and technical developments.
  • New Scientist – Us EditionWeekly science magazine covering the latest developments in electronics, communications, energy, aviation, science, space exploration, environmental issues, and much more.
  • MIT Technology ReviewBimonthly magazine published by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
  • DiscoverAmerican science magazine published by Kalmbach Publishing. The Discover magazine featuring science-oriented articles about health, medicine, neurological science, genetics, archaeology, energy, physics, conservation, museums, psychology, and more.
  • SkepticQuarterly science education and science advocacy magazine published by The Skeptics Society.
  • Australasian Science
  • Cosmos Magazine (Australia)
  • Current Science (India)
  • Focus (United Kingdom)
  • Laboratory News (United Kingdom)
  • Physics World (United Kingdom)
  • American Scientist
  • Air & Space/Smithsonian
  • Astronomy
  • Sky & Telescope
  • ‎Sky at Night
  • All About Space‎
  • ‎Nautilus
  • Quanta Magazine‎
  • ‎Physics Today
  • ‎The Scientist
  • ‎Technologist
  • Indian Academy of Sciences‎
  • Safari‎
  • Wired‎
  • Also Read:  Flower magazines