France Newspapers, News sites and Magazines

Browse all French newspapers, magazines and news sites for the latest breaking news, top stories, analysis, and many more.

List of Newspapers in France And Online News Sites

  • Le Figaro: It is one of the most widely read French-language newspapers in France
  • Le Monde: Leading evening daily newspaper in France.
  • L’Humanité: French-language daily newspaper was first printed in 1904.
  • La Croix: Roman Catholic daily newspaper published by Bayard Presse.
  • Libération: Daily newspaper published in Paris, France.
  • Le Parisien: One of the top selling France newspapers.
  • La Tribune: Business newspaper contains in-depth French news articles about economy, industry, banking, finance, stock exchange, employment, and more.
  • L’Express  (weekly)
  • Le Nouvel Observateur  (weekly)
  • Le Canard enchaîné: Leading weekly newspaper published in France. The newspaper was established in 1915.
  • France Soir: French daily newspaper contain articles about regional politics, economy, transport, health, and more.
  • 20 minutes: Popular free newspaper in France. Local edition of the newspaper published from Bordeaux, Lille, Lyon, Marseilles, Nantes, Paris, Strasbourg, and Toulouse.
  • Les Échos: French economic and financial newspaper owned by owned by London based media company Pearson PLC.
  • L’Équipe: French sports newspaper distributed nation wide. The newspaper covering football, tennis, golf, rugby, basketball, volleyball, cycling, racing, and more.
  • Mediapart
  • Charlie Hebdo
  • L’Opinion
  • Courrier International
  • Charente Libre
  • L’Alsace (Alsace)
  • Le Bien Public: (Burgundy)Daily newspaper published in Dijon by Groupe EBRA.
  • Le Dauphiné libéré (Rhône-Alpes)
  • Corse-Matin (Ajaccio, Corsica)
  • La Dépêche du Midi (Midi-Pyrénées) Toulouse based regional daily newspaper.
  • L’Est Républicain: (Lorraine and Franche-Comté)Daily regional newspaper published in Nancy.
  • Midi Libre: (Languedoc-Roussillon, Midi-Pyrénées)General interest newspaper published in Montpellier. The newspaper published by Societe du Journal Midi Libre.
  • La Nouvelle République du Centre-Ouest: (Centre, Poitou-Charentes)
  • Ouest France: Local newspaper based in north-western city of Rennes.
  • Le Progrès: Daily broadsheet format newspaper, based in Lyon. The newspaper owned by L’est Républicain.
  • La Provence: (Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur)
  • Le Républicain Lorrain
  • Sud-Ouest: Regional newspaper serving Charente, Charente-Maritime, Dordogne, Gers, Gironde, Landes, Lot-et-Garonne, and Pyrenees-Atlantiques.
  • La Voix du Nord: Regional newspaper serving northern area of France.
  • (Sports)
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